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Cryolipolysis, often referred to as “CoolSculpting” by those seeking body contouring treatments, is an innovative technique that utilizes controlled cooling to target and eliminate stubborn fat cells. This non-invasive procedure is especially effective because fat cells are more susceptible to cold temperatures compared to other cell types. During the cryolipolysis process, these fat cells are effectively frozen, leading to their breakdown, all while ensuring the safety and protection of the skin and surrounding tissues.

Ideal for patients looking to address localized fat deposits that remain resistant to traditional weight loss methods like diet and exercise, cryolipolysis offers a tailored solution. This treatment is a popular choice for those aiming to refine and reshape their body contours without the need for surgical intervention.

Incorporating cryolipolysis into your wellness journey can be a transformative step towards achieving the desired aesthetic results, particularly in areas where fat tends to accumulate and persist.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Perfect your Skin

Upon assessing the specific dimensions and contours of the target fat area, a carefully selected applicator, matching the size and shape of the bulge, is used. The treatment zone is accurately marked to ensure precise placement of the applicator. To safeguard the skin, a protective gel pad is positioned before the applicator is attached. The bulge is then gently drawn into the applicator’s cavity by a vacuum mechanism.

As the applicator cools down, the treated area gradually becomes numb, providing comfort despite initial sensations of pressure and tugging from the vacuum effect. These feelings typically subside quickly as numbness sets in. The procedure, lasting about an hour, concludes with the deactivation of the vacuum, removal of the applicator, and a strategic massage of the area. This post-treatment massage plays a pivotal role in enhancing the outcome of the cryolipolysis session.

This non-invasive method is designed to sculpt and redefine body contours, offering a solution for stubborn fat without the need for surgical procedures.

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Patients who have conditions like cryoglobulinemia, cold urticaria, and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria, which are related to cold sensitivity, should avoid cryolipolysis. Additionally, those with sagging skin or poor skin elasticity might not be ideal for this treatment.


BeyondSkin MediSpa
The body slowly removes the damaged fat cells over a period of 4 to 6 months. During this period, the size of the fatty area typically reduces, resulting in an average fat reduction of approximately 20 percent. There are no restrictions on activities. Patients may feel some soreness, similar to post-exercise discomfort, but experiencing pain is rare.
BeyondSkin MediSpa

You may have only one problematic area that may require only one treatment session. You may have more than one problem area that may require treatment or may need more than one treatment in a specific area to achieve your desired goal.



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From $175 per session
LOOK AT ME – 3 AREA | $275
NEW ME  – 2 AREA | $245

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