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Micropigmentation, known for various aesthetic applications, has emerged as a remedy for concealing baldness, whether full, localized, or areas with low hair density. This technique now serves as a powerful tool for camouflaging post-surgical or accidental scars, including those on the scalp from previous hair transplants. It offers a non-surgical, swift, and cost-effective alternative compared to hair restoration surgery.

This semi-permanent procedure involves darkening the scalp to disguise baldness. It employs a blend of pigmented colors artistically implanted to create the illusion of hair, delivering a natural and aesthetically pleasing appearance, particularly when viewed from a distance. Periodic touch-ups are typically required approximately every two years to maintain the desired effect.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

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The technique of capillary micropigmentation gained notoriety in Italy, where a professional of our clinic did specialization. When made with specific instruments, with an appropriate design, specially tested ink for pigmentation of the scalp and the number of points defined according to area and bioabsorbable pigments, it results in an imperceptible appearance on a daily basis and brings great transformation to the visual.

Micropigmentation can also be performed to reconstitute beards, mustaches, eyebrows, pubis and other hairy areas, as well as for lip contours, to hide unsightly cosmetic surgery scars on the breasts, face and other areas of the body.

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Capillary micropigmentation gained prominence in Italy, where one of our clinic professionals underwent specialized training. When carried out using specific instruments, meticulous design, ink tested for scalp pigmentation, and an optimal number of points tailored to each area with bioabsorbable pigments, it results in a natural appearance that seamlessly blends into everyday life, offering a remarkable visual transformation.

Beyond scalp treatment, micropigmentation extends its utility to reconstructing facial hair like beards, mustaches, eyebrows, pubic areas, and other hairy regions. Additionally, it aids in enhancing lip contours and concealing unwanted cosmetic surgery scars on various parts of the body, including breasts and the face.

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Does it hurt

Does it hurt? What’s the process like?

The level of discomfort during a Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) procedure varies from person to person. Generally, before the procedure, your SMP practitioner will apply a topical numbing agent to the scalp to alleviate discomfort. However, some individuals might still experience some degree of discomfort during the process, primarily dependent on their pain tolerance.

Those with scalp acne or skin sensitivities like psoriasis are advised to avoid SMP during flare-ups, as it can be challenging to apply pigment to inflamed areas. Additionally, individuals prone to keloid formation, more common in darker skin tones, might not be suitable candidates for SMP.

When preparing for SMP, after conducting research and selecting a skilled practitioner, an initial consultation will likely be scheduled. During this session, your practitioner will provide instructions on how to prepare for the procedure. Some general guidelines include:

Showering before each treatment and refraining from washing or wetting the scalp, including avoiding excessive sweating, for four days post-treatment.
Anticipating that each session can take between four to five hours.
The number of required treatments depends on the size of the treated area. Even for small areas like a widow’s peak, multiple sessions (around three to four) are necessary for long-term pigment retention.
Scheduled treatments will be spaced a few weeks apart.

Between treatments, avoiding activities like swimming, using steam or sauna rooms, or taking very hot showers that might cause excessive sweating.
For the first four days following treatment, it’s recommended to shield the treated scalp from direct sunlight (wearing a hat is permissible). After the fifth day, limited sun exposure is allowed for about an hour, or 45 minutes for individuals with fair skin. Note that minimal sun exposure typically leads to better long-term pigment retention.


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