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Lash extensions consist of synthetic fibers that are affixed to natural lashes using a medical-grade adhesive. Available in diverse sizes from 6mm to 18mm and various curl widths, properly applied lash extensions can create the illusion of wider, more lifted eyes. When maintained with proper care, lash extensions typically last up to six weeks before the shedding of all extensions.


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Will my natural lashes be damaged?

When done by a licensed and certified professional, lash extensions should not harm your natural lashes. The damage often occurs due to improper application or the use of an incorrect lash type for your natural lashes. Several factors contribute to this issue, such as applying extensions that are too heavy, leading to premature shedding. Additionally, rubbing your eyes can cause immediate breakage, making it crucial to handle them with care and avoid harsh actions.

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How often do you need to get lash extensions redone?

There’s no requirement to remove and redo your lashes. Natural lashes follow their growth and shedding cycle, resulting in varying lengths and fullness at each fill appointment. Refills, however, demand more skill and expertise than a full set due to lash growth and shedding from different areas of the lid. Achieving symmetry without a trained eye is challenging, especially when replacing overgrown lashes to maintain balance.

For a lush and full look, refills every two to three weeks are recommended. Using conditioning serums between appointments is beneficial for lash wearers.


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Before Booking Your Lash Extension Appointment

If you’re considering lash extensions (which can yield stunning results), adhere to these guidelines for a smoother experience:

Pros and Cons of Eyelash Extensions

Like any beauty treatment, lash extensions have their pros and cons. While salons mainly emphasize the positives, it’s essential to understand both sides before deciding. Here’s what you should know:


similar to selecting a hairstyle based on pictures. Most lash technicians will assist in this. There’s a fine line between beautifully fluttery lashes and an obviously fake, spidery appearance.


Opt for a certified and trained technician with established application methods. Don’t hesitate to inquire about credentials; reputable technicians are proud to showcase their work.


Applying a full set of lashes can take 90 to 180 minutes. Depending on your desired look, 60–120 individual lashes may be applied to each eye. To prep for extensions, your technician should tape your lower lashes and place hydrating eye pads to prevent glue from reaching the lower eye area during application.

BE AWARE OF POTENTIAL RISKS, though they’re uncommon. Common complaints include allergic reactions to the glue, eye infections due to unsanitary tools, or glued-together lashes leading to follicle infections or clogged hair follicles.

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For Men

Maintaining lash extensions requires extra care between fills to preserve these valuable enhancements.

Follow these guidelines:

Avoid Oil-Based Products: Don’t use oil-based cleansers or makeup removers as they weaken the lash glue.

Skip Mascara: Applying and removing mascara can cause extensions to snag and fall out prematurely.

Handle with Care: Gentle washing of your eye area is crucial; any sudden movement can lead to lash fallout or tangling.

Shower Carefully: Prevent lash extensions from loosening by avoiding direct shower water pressure on your face.

Be Gentle While Sleeping: Avoid rubbing your face vigorously with a towel or pressing your face too hard into the pillow.

Use a Dry Mascara Wand: Regularly comb through your lashes with a dry wand to straighten them out, especially when wet, but avoid excessive tugging as it might loosen them.

Mind Your Makeup: Avoid oil-based skincare products, greasy eye pencils, and heavy eyeliners near your lash line, as they can degrade the lash glue and lead to fallout. Use a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover to clean your lash line.

Opt for Moderation: Thicker, dramatic lashes are more prone to twisting and early fallout.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Classic | $135

Hybrid| $155
Russian volume | $165
Mega Volume | $195
Ultimate volume | $245


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Refill classic -volume
1 Week | $50
2 Week| $60
3 Week | $70

Refill Russian-mega
1 Week | $60
2 Week| $70
3 Week | $80

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