BeyondSkin MediSpa

Lip Blush

Lip blushing is a form of semi-permanent makeup. Essentially, this is a cosmetic lip tattoo that enhances the beauty of the natural lip color, enhancing the shape of the lips, giving definition and the illusion of fullness. This treatment gives very natural results, once healed. The filling is great for creating volume in your lips, but the blush provides a more natural look and gives the illusion of fuller lips. A rotating device is used to deposit and layer pigments in the lips to create a soft and natural blush tone.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Perfect your lips

Who is it for?

Lip blushing is for people who want to enhance their lips, add definition and volume but still look natural. Besides that, it is a great option for correcting uneven lips and adding more natural color to pale lips.

What does the lip blush treatment look like?

The treatment lasts between one and two hours. Firstly, you choose the pigment and the shape of your lips with the help and tips of the aesthetician. The aesthetician draws the desired shape, so you can make adjustments. Then, in order to make the procedure less painful, an anesthetic is applied before the treatment.

The pigment is applied with the advanced tattoo-like machine. After the healing period is finished, a touch up is required, in order to correct any irregularities or add more pigment. You can also change the color if you decide that the one you chose is not the right for you.

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Is lip blushing painful?

No, it isn’t. The tool used in the treatment is advanced, digital pen-like appliance. It does not go as deep into the skin layers as the old-fashioned tattoo tool. Also, it does not involve as much scratching as microblading. Besides, the numbing solution is applied before the treatment to prevent any possible discomfort.

Lip blushing treatment is much more sophisticated than the treatments used in the past.

How long does lip blush last?

It can last from two to five years. It depends on your lifestyle and sun exposure, sweating, cosmetic products you use might speed fading up. If you have regular touch-ups, your lip blushing will last longer.

What does the healing process look like?

The healing process is four to five days long. Your lips might appear a bit swollen after the treatment and the color on your lips is slightly darker, but don’t freak out. It is a normal occurrence and the color will change during the healing period. Also, scabs will probably show up and flake off within a week.

What does the lip blushing aftercare entail?

Luckily, lip blush does not take too much time to heal. During that period, it is important to religiously follow the instructions given by your aesthetician.

Avoid wearing makeup, especially around and on your lips. Avoid sweating and sun exposure. Wash and dry the area gently, without using any aggressive cosmetic products. Apply the crème or a moisturizer given by the permanent makeup artist in order to avoid complications.

Under no circumstances should you touch the scabs and peel them off. Let them fall off naturally in order to avoid any complications.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Other Tratment

Comfort first


A numbing cream is first applied to ensure comfort. Once the lips are numb, we start by modeling the lips with a pencil to choose the perfect shape and choose the perfect color, the lips are more prone to swelling during the treatment. If this happens, the swelling will quickly subside and go away completely within three to five days.The color density may appear stronger at first than you expected, but it will also fade after three to four days.

*Trauma around the mouth can cause cold sores to appear. Cold sore pain usually begins a few days after the injury or procedure. People with cold sores will need to take preventative medication at least 2 days before the procedure

The best results usually come from a two-step process. Touch-ups allow us to analyze how color regenerates under the skin and to add areas that may have healed poorly. Healed results are unique to each client and we do our best to create a cohesive experience. Touch-ups are beneficial for layering pigment for more saturation and must be done within 10 weeks of the original session .

The procedure takes an hour to an hour and a half, or even longer, depending on the look you are going for.


BeyondSkin MediSpa

Here’s How it works

Here’s how it works:

A tiny mechanized needle deposits pigment into the lips, which builds layers of color. Son explained that it can be a corrective service to help even out the tone of the lips, but it can also help with asymmetry.

Unlike traditional permanent cosmetic tattoos, lip blushing is an evolved service that’s meant to provide natural looking, long-lasting results. This service is offered by licensed aesthetician and cosmetic tattoo master.


What to Expect From Your Appointment

 What happens in an appointment? First,  a topical anesthetic is applied to pre-numb the lips for 20 minutes. Afterwards, the technician will draw the shape of the “new” lips so that you can evaluate and make any changes.

The procedure takes place over the course of an hour to an hour and a half, if not longer, depending on the look you’re going for. Once the appointment is completed, your lips may be swollen—it is a tattoo, after all—so you can ice them if necessary. Over the next week, your lips will start to heal, meaning they may scab, so it’s important to time this carefully around your schedule.



BeyondSkin MediSpa

per session
Lip Blush| $300
Touch up| $ 100
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