BeyondSkin MediSpa

The Carbon Laser Peel

The Carbon Laser Peel stands out as a popular treatment renowned for its ability to enhance cell turnover, boost collagen and elastin production, minimize pore size, reduce scarring and pigmentation, balance skin tone, manage acne, and address PIHP (Post Inflammatory Hyper Pigmentation of Acne), among other benefits.

If you’re contemplating this remarkable skincare procedure, understanding essential before and aftercare tips for the Carbon Laser Peel is crucial.


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The Carbon Laser Peel Procedure

The Carbon Laser Peel is comparable to the effects of four potent chemical peels. Are there any discomforts associated with the Carbon Laser Peel? Although patients may experience a mild tingling sensation and warmth on the skin during the procedure, these side effects are typical and usually subside within 48 hours. Most individuals do not report pain, but rather a mild discomfort, similar to a sunburn sensation.

This gentle procedure is suitable for various skin types. During the treatment, a technician applies a layer of carbon solution to the skin, followed by the use of a gentle laser to heat the area, allowing the carbon to penetrate deeply into the skin.

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Carbon Laser Before Care


Preparation is key to maximizing the effectiveness of certain skincare treatments, including the Carbon Laser Peel. While you can directly schedule an appointment for the procedure, ensuring optimal preparation for your skin is crucial to attaining faster, more noticeable results. Depending on your skincare specialist’s guidance, following specific recommendations for approximately two weeks before your Carbon Laser Peel appointment is essential. Here are some essential before-care tips to consider.


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Other Treatment

Avoid Using

For optimal results before your laser treatment, adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Avoid Certain Skincare Products: Refrain from using retinoids, Vitamin C, glycolic acids, and potent creams on your face for five days preceding the procedure. Avoid other skin treatments, including microdermabrasion, professional or home exfoliation, Botox, fillers, etc., at least two weeks before your session. It’s advisable to schedule all treatments at the same location for proper timing.

2. Sun Protection: Always wear sun protection to shield your skin from harmful UVA and UVB rays, especially when undergoing a Carbon Laser Peel. Apply sunscreen and wear a hat when outdoors.

3. Refrain from Smoking: Smokers should exercise caution as nicotine narrows skin blood vessels, hindering optimal healing and results.

4. Consult Your Doctor: If prone to cold sores or fever blisters, laser treatments might trigger breakouts. Some medications or supplements may affect healing or cause scarring. Inform your doctor about over-the-counter medications like aspirin, which can increase bleeding risk post-procedure. Discuss any medical conditions that might compromise treatment results.”


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For Men

Carbon Laser Peel Aftercare


Modern laser peel technology is far less troublesome than procedures of the past. After a treatment, the treated area of skin may feel a little warm afterward, and there may be some slight redness. However, the treatment also includes the application of cooling gels or creams that can dissipate these side effects. If the treatment was used to target pigmentation, the pigment may appear darker for awhile, and may feel like a slight sunburn for about an hour after the procedure. Other common side effects may include swelling of the skin, redness, and sensitivity. To reduce your chances of experiencing these side effects or to help them disappear, here are some tips for carbon laser peel aftercare.


Avoid Active Ingredients and Chemicals Before and After


After your Carbon Laser Peel appointment, the top thing you need to do is to avoid active ingredients in your skincare products and beauty routine. Avoid any products that contain alpha hydroxy acids, retinol, and glycolic acid for at least two weeks because these can irritate your skin.


Avoid Exfoliation


After a laser treatment, you should think of your skin as a fresh wound that needs to be treated with gentle care. You should avoid any products that contain strong fragrances and chemicals and stop your exfoliation for at least two weeks. You can use products with peptides, emollients, and SPF, and if you need to cleanse your skin, choose a milk cleanser or gentle moisturizing face wash.


Avoid Heavy Exercising


Your skin needs time to heal, and for your body to do that, it needs rest. Heavy exercising and sweating can irritate the delicate skin and slow down your ability to heal quickly. Take it easy—your skin will thank you for it!


BeyondSkin MediSpa

From $55 per session
Express | $55
Facial + Carbon Peel | $100

Supreme Carbon Peel | $145
Supreme Carbon Peel+Microneedling | $225

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