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Ultrasonic cavitation, also known as ultrasonic lipolysis, is a non-surgical body contouring method used to eliminate fat deposits beneath the skin. It’s sometimes referred to by specific brand names, such as Liponix or Ultrashape.

This technique offers a safer alternative to surgical procedures like liposuction. It employs ultrasonic radio waves to fragment fat cells. These cells are subsequently absorbed and processed by your body’s lymphatic system.


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While the risks associated with this procedure are minimal, it’s important to note that there are still some side effects.

Common short-term side effects include bruising and pain. Additionally, some individuals may experience loose skin or the appearance of dimples and waves in their skin after recovering from this treatment.

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Ultrasonic cavitation is advertised as being extremely convenient because recovery is minimal and side effects are rare.

Ultrasonic cavitation is different than other similar treatments, like ultrasound liposuction, because it doesn’t require any incisions. This means recovery is easier. It also means that results might be less noticeable.

The ideal candidate for ultrasonic cavitation:

  • is in good overall health
  • has realistic expectations
  • is already within 15 pounds of their goal weight

Ultrasonic cavitation is meant to target small areas of fat and help contour your body. It isn’t a treatment for people who are trying to lose a lot of weight.

The verdict is still out on how well ultrasound cavitation works. There’s promising evidence to suggest that this is an effective body contouring treatment.



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What happens during an ultrasonic cavitation session?

The procedure for ultrasonic cavitation is pretty straightforward.

On the day of your appointment, your doctor may ask you to undress in private and put on a paper gown, depending on the area of your body that you’re treating.

Your doctor may sterilize the area of your treatment using alcohol. Using a handheld ultrasound device, they’ll slowly go over the target area of your body.

You may feel a warm sensation during the procedure and hear a buzzing from the ultrasound machine. Treatments typically take between 40 minutes to an hour.


Targeted areas for ultrasonic cavitation

Some studiesTrusted Source suggest that this treatment is most effective at reducing fat in “fibrotic” places in your body, which include the back and chest area.

Ultrasonic cavitation is also frequently performed on the:

  • stomach
  • hips
  • face
  • neck
  • upper arms
  • thigh areas


Ultrasonic cavitation side effects

Ultrasonic cavitation is considered a low-risk treatment for most people. Common side effects include:

  • redness
  • bruising
  • headache

In some cases, the skin won’t absorb the fat evenly after it breaks down. Lumps, bumps, and valleys on your skin can appear after ultrasonic cavitation treatment.

These skin irregularities may be resolved by followup treatments.


What to expect after ultrasonic cavitation

After ultrasonic cavitation, you should be able to stand up and drive yourself home.

Pain and bruising are usually minimal. You’ll be instructed to hydrate as much as possible after the procedure to help your body flush the fatty cells through your lymphatic system.

But don’t expect to see results right away. Right after your appointment, your body might feel puffy or swollen. It takes time for your body to break down and dissolve the fat cells that have been dislodged.

You may also require repeated treatments to see visible results. Most candidates for this treatment see their final result within 6 to 12 weeks. On average, treatment requires 1 to 3 visits for visible results.

Results of this treatment are permanent, as long as you maintain a healthy diet and exercise. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, fat deposits may return to areas that have been treated.

Preparing for ultrasonic cavitation

To prepare for your appointment, your provider will give you detailed instructions, which you should follow carefully.

Make sure that you disclose the following to your provider before your appointment:

  • any medical conditions you have
  • any herbal supplements you take
  • any medication that you’ve been prescribed

Avoid drinking alcohol for at least 48 hours before your appointment.

You may also be advised to avoid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, in the 2 weeks leading up to your procedure.

Drink plenty of water before and after your treatment so that your body can flush out fat deposits quickly.

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How does it work

How does ultrasonic cavitation work?

Ultrasonic cavitation relies on ultrasound technology to break apart fat cells.

Ultrasound waves are sent deep into the layers of your skin, causing a disruptive vibration. Fat cells then break apart from each other and are dislodged from your dermal layers.

After a few days, the fat cells are absorbed by your lymphatic system and drained as waste from your body.



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